Thursday, March 09, 2006

Drink plenty of clear fluids?

There's some news about the dangers of soda, which generally uses corn syrup as a sugar substitute. Past research has suggested that corn syrup has no effect on satiety, e.g., drinking a soda gives you calories but does not reduce your intake of calories. (Curiously, drinking diet soda is also linked to obesity.)

The Pediatrics journal reported that in a small study, teenagers who cut back on soda over six months lost weight. The fattest teens who cut back their soda consumption lost more weight.

This comes at about the same time as another Pediatrics study, plus another journal, further explore the issue. The Harvard Crimson reports:
One of the studies, published in the Journal of Pediatrics, said that increased soda consumption in adolescent girls can predict increases in weight. This study, and another in the Journal of American Clinical Nutrition, add to the growing literature of the ill effects of soda.

“Over the long term, the excess calories [from soda] lead to weight gain and there is evidence that over the last decade caloric intake from sugar-sweetened beverages have gone up,” said Eric B. Rimm, associate professor of epidemiology and nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health. “I think that you can’t draw a direct link between the increased rates of obesity in this country and sugar-sweetened beverages, but there is an association.”
I suspect none of this comes as a surprise. Some folks interviewed by the Harvard tree-killers want a tax on soft-drink sales. Fortunately, there's an alternative.

A study sponsored by the owners of Lipton Tea suggested cutting back on sodas to make more room for coffee, tea, and .. er .. more. The AP reports:
Some prominent nutrition experts put out new guidelines Wednesday urging Americans to cut back on calorie-rich sodas while allowing more leeway for alcohol and lots of room for tea and coffee -- up to 40 ounces a day.

That's more than three tall cups at Starbucks, although that might bust suggested limits on caffeine.

They also allow men three times as much beer as sugary soda.
Oooh. Let's see that again.
They also allow men three times as much beer as sugary soda.
MeTheSheeple can get behind that idea!

Heck, beer is what made America ... well, America. According to one site, the Mayflower carried more beer than water and rum production was New England's biggest industry. This is, indeed, what made America great.

Now, it can be taken to extremes; one of MeTheSheeple's former roomates was fond of declaring "AA is for quitters!" Still, this news should be taken to heart, or at least the stomach. If you want to get healthy, put down the damned soda, turn your stupid monitor off, and take a stroll to the nearest pub.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT??? What do you mean they allow MEN three times as much beer as sugary soda??? What about women??? This is so unfair!!! This is pure oppression from the paternalistic-judeo-christian society!!! p.s. today's the "beer ball" here at the university and i'm not going, so i'm not happy. (60 special belgian beers......) Melissa

March 09, 2006 11:27 AM  
Blogger MeTheSheeple said...

You're not going ... why? Should I have a weisbier for you?

March 09, 2006 11:52 AM  

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