Wednesday, March 01, 2006


The same week I post stuff about an anti-gay hatemonger and the civil rights struggle, the Boston Globe reports the latest developments in the local Catholic Church.

Forgive me for a little cynicism here, for the local division of the Catholic Church moved to protect gay child molesters, those messing with kids. Now the same church wants to protect kids from gays. Better late then never? Other people working with the Catholics, presumably Catholics themselves, aren't sure:
... three members of the board of Catholic Charities of Boston resigned over the bishops' decision to seek the exemption from the state antidiscrimination policy, according to a board member. The 42-member board, which is dominated by lay people, has gone on record unanimously in favor of continuing to allow gays to adopt. The member declined to name the three members who resigned.

The state's four bishops released a statement yesterday saying they face ''a serious problem in which our religious freedom is challenged" because of the state requirement that they consider gays as adoptive parents. The Vatican has called such adoptions "gravely immoral."

Oh. So the same organization that has fought to protect gay child-molesting priests now thinks adoptions by gays "gravely immoral." 42 of 42 volunteers in the Catholic Charities of Boston believe that's wrong.

News of this comes at the beginning of Lent, the end of which celebrates one of the holiest days in the Catholic religion, marking the miracle resurrection of a guy who said his followers should love everybody.

Maybe they didn't get the memo.

Happy Ash Wednesday.


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