Sunday, September 14, 2008

Palin, revisited

Two posts in one day -- starting to think this blog is coming alive again.

The New York Times article on Sarah Palin is a must-read for anyone eligible to vote in the November presidential election.

I'm won't try to summarize it, offer links to the many discussions/debates/serieses of rants going online, whatever. Please read it if you can vote.

Why Obama's race got much tougher

David Paul Kuhn, a Politico writer, has written about 5 reasons why McCain has pulled ahead -- highlighting everything from Palin's ability to make the Republican core excited to the Wal-mart shoppers' opposition to Obama. The last I found particularly interesting -- Kuhn's even using the same political guru in 1992 who helped use the economy as a linchpin to get a Democrat into office against a Republican ... and now a poor economy is being held against the Democrat who's running against a Republican with similar outlooks as the officeholder. It's worth a read -- and a fair bit of thinking.

This race never fails to get more interesting.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Is Keith Olbermann right that, among other things, the point of the Republican 9/11 video to honor its victims ... was really about terrorism?

Saturday, September 06, 2008

It's the economy, stupid

So many political choices are made based on economic decisions, and they're rarely informed economic decisions. This year, folks are talking a lot about national security experience ... as if Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld's decades of public service had somehow benefited the country in a way that no amateur could ever dream of.

So I found some interesting economic tidbids, too. Click on each chart for more information.

Friday, September 05, 2008

Hypocritical bastards

It's sad when it takes a comedian to point out the hypocrisy in staked political claims.