Friday, May 16, 2008


Presidential hopeful John McCain has outlaid his plan for withdrawing the United States from its addiction of foreign oil. Well, not really a plan.
I think that if we’re dependent on any thing outside the United States of America, it has to, it has to enter into any calculations that we make. I mean if we’re dependent on something from some part of the world, then that has to be part of our calculation that we make. But I, it’s obvious that we are dependent on oil from the Middle East and that is something that we have to become independent of, because it’s very unstable part of the world.
Yeah. No plan. Just some stammering.

Is it useful to quit sucking the foreign oil tit? Damned straight. Is McCain the guy to get us there? Oh, hell no.

Maybe the answer is nuclear power for most power generation, which could free up natural gas for transportation until electric cars become practical.

Or we can try McCain's route, which is some stammering and no plan. Don't worry. Vote for the guy and we'll be in Iraq 100 years, but we won't need to be. And we'll have our own oil. And a pony!