Monday, February 26, 2007

The White House is making yet another effort at historical revisionism -- by blotting out the stuff it used to be proud of.

Earlier we posted about how the White House disposed of its Mission Accomplished banner from its video archives.

Now we're seeing that the White House is disappearing old speeches. The truly paranoid folks would say that the next step is airbrushing out those politically unsavory characters from photos, like Josef Stalin did. But, these folks already did do something like that, by getting rid of the Mission Accomplished banner.

This is appalling. Does the truth mean nothing? How is it the White House can ask our soldiers to risk their lives for their ideas, and then pretend it never backed those ideas when things go south? Do our soldiers' lives mean so little?

For those who want a thorough look at what went wrong in Iraq, this is a good place to start.


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