Friday, January 05, 2007

Good ideas

There's a lot of doubt about whether new Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick can be an effective leader, not least because his first, ill-executed effort at leadership failed miserably.

There's a lot to be said, on the other hand, for the ideals that Patrick brings to political office. MeTheSheeple would love to see these sort of ideals fueling national politics, where the executive branch once again decided laws and warrants were inconvenient.

Patrick offers some hope for something better:
But really America herself is an improbable journey. People have come to these shores from all over the world, in all manner of boats, and built from a wilderness one of the most remarkable societies in human history. We are most remarkable not just for our material accomplishments or military might, but because of the ideals to which we have dedicated ourselves. We have defined those ideals over time and through struggle as equality, opportunity and fair play – ideals about universal human dignity. For these, at the end of the day, we are an envy to the world. ...

I took the oath this morning with my hand resting on that same Bible [from the Amistad] -- and with my resolve strengthened by that same legacy. I am descended from people once forbidden their most basic and fundamental freedoms, a people desperate for a reason to hope and willing to fight for it. And so are you. So are you. Because the Amistad was not just a Black man’s journey; it was an American journey. This Commonwealth – and the Nation modeled on it – is at its best when we show we understand a faith in what’s possible, and the willingness to work for it. ...

What has distinguished us at every signature moment of our history is a willingness to look a challenge right in the eye, the instinct to measure it against our ideals, and the sustained dedication to close the gap between the two. That is who we are.
Let's hope others share, or come to share, that message.


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