Saturday, March 18, 2006

Hanoi Jane

Some bloggers are ecstatic at action in the Georgia Senate, which first voted to honor "Hanoi" Jane Fonda and then, a day later, voted 1-38, dishonoring her after Republicans forced a vote.

Some people argue that decades of charity work have made Fonda someone to be honored. Others simply point out that she posed with a North Korean anti-aircraft gun that presumably was installed to shoot down American aircraft; at a minimum, then, she was giving comfort to the enemy and should have been tried for treason, the argument goes.

Typical is this reaction, via the Atlanta Journal-Constitution:
"To a person, we are happy that they voted down the resolution," Marvin Myers, president of the Georgia Vietnam Veterans Alliance said Thursday. "I do not know one Vietnam veteran who thinks Jane Fonda is anything but scum."
That seems to jibe with some veterans that I know. One of them is one of the friendliest, happiest, most out-going people I've ever met, volunteers his time and heart to work with veterans and children. He wears a jacket covered in badges recognizing friends, volunteer opportunities and the like -- even a Scouting badge from Iraq. The two exceptions to the "positive" rule are John Kerry and one that refers to "Hanoi Jane."

Time may not heal all wounds. However, I can point out, time wounds all seals. So, if you want to feel better, club a seal.


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